Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas
Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas – The Ancient Buddhist Scriptures of the World
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov arranged Meditation Class for local.
On Sunday, August 2nd, 2015 Meditation Class for local was arranged by Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov. Participate were from youth and adult who interested in meditation practice and frequently came to take part in this program.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Usage (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Nine :- Artfulness in Usage
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary
5. The Boss-Employee Relationship
The fifth important factor influencing social development is the quality of human relationships in the workplace-some thing we measure in terms of the fulfillment of reciprocal responsibilities between employer and employee-duties collectively referred to as the ‘nadir’ [hetthimadisa]